Anne Bonny and Mary Read
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
The first big trip of her life was when she moved to Lisbon with her parents. She was three and a half and doesn't remember anything about it. Returning to her roots during long holidays brings back childhood polaroids."As there were no motorways then, the journey took five hours , almost the whole day ". But it was on a trip to London that she had an experience that as completely different from anything she had known in her fourteen years of life." "I remember going to London with my father .It was the first time I had flown. Everything was new; from the airport to being able to walk down Oxford Street alone while my father as in meetings. " Even though her fatber told her not to cross the street , she was amazed by the novelty of the shops. "It was all so modern. That's what most struck me"-and the fact that the cars were driving on the other side of the road and she had to look the opposite way to cross over.I remember thinking that Londoners looked very sophisticated." This more cosmopolitan side of her life doesn't get a mention In Viagens Contadas, a book where mountains are climbed, glaciers are sighted and sleep is under the sort of starry sky you only see in the desert. The explanation is simple.París, London and New York are cities she has been several times, mostly on assignment.She also thought of including a chapter on stories about people she met there, but then thought "it felt wrong"
Reading comprehension: what was the first big trip with her fathers?
How long was the journey?
True or false: she thought Londoners looked very sophisticated
Viagens Contadas is a magazine
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Friday, 27 March 2015
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Movie: Ratatouille. A través de la película los alumnos aprenderán vocabulario relacionado con la cocina y gastronomía como cheese, cooking, carrots, onion, delicious, kitchen, pasta, chef, salt. Sería interesante introducirles los 5 sentidos: sight, smell, taste, touch, hear. También estudiaran el tema de la amistad (friendship)
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Learn English through Minions!
Second conditional: se usa para hablar de situaciones imaginarias y sus consecuencias.Se forma con el pasado simple "could" y el condicional "would get"
WILLY WONKA: El autor Roald Dahl presentó al mundo al excéntrico Willy Wonka en su libro (1964). Willy Wonka es el dueño de una fabrica de chocolate que pone 5 billetes dorados en algunos de sus envoltorios de caramelos.Los niños que encuentren estos boletos obtendran un recorrido por la fábrica de chocolate.
Mi viaje 1998 Scotland
Curiosidad: La película Braveheart se rodó entre Irlanda y Escocia. Tuve la suerte de haber pisado uno de estos dos escenarios!
Monday, 23 March 2015
Vamos a aprender como se dicen algunos cuentos de siempre en inglés : cinderella, red riding hood, puss in boots, snowwhite and the seven dwarfs , sleeping beauty, pinocchio